Another Mr B special: risotto cakes, salad and a perfectly poached egg. Mother’s Day here in France, and CarbBoy was in charge of the morning. He came to me shame-faced yesterday and said that even despite TallGirl’s frequent reminders, he hadn’t made me a present, so he offered to get the hens up and bring me breakfast in bed. “Perfect” I replied. “I’ll be awake anyway”.
Off course, I hadn’t counted on spending 4-7am awake. Ordinarily I would have given up at 6 and made a start on the day, but it seemed churlish to spoil CarbBoy’s treat, so I willed myself back to sleep. When I woke at about 8, there was a tray next to the bed with a (cold) cup of tea and a Twix.
After some gardening (another coolish day - so perfect for getting caught up on planting out), TallGirl surfaced and produced a lovely watercolour of flowers she had done for me. She is getting to grips with oils just now, but watercolours suited this better.
After lunch, more gardening with a fleet of very fine podcasts, including the Anthropcene Reviewed, which always somehow makes me cry.
Roast dinner cooking this afternoon, with CarbBoy as my able apprentice. The garden is starting to provide some food (chard today, as well as the usual herbs) which is very satisfying. West Wing catch up, and suddenly it is time for the weekend to end. Tomorrow: yet another set of French admin, and some niggly stuff to tackle with the UK too (if I can ever get HMRC to take my call....)
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