Life In Wales

By KarenC

Action Man

Lockdown Day 77

We'd planned a picnic today for Kate's birthday which was on Friday, and her sister Jane kindly let us have the use of her field.  I said that I'd provide the picnic as Kate's birthday treat, and I prepared two of everything, one for Kate and Martin, and one for us so that there was no cross contamination.  We took bunting to hang from Bertie and unexpectedly ended up with balloons too - while Alan was loading Bertie, he heard something banging on the car and when he looked up there were some helium balloons flying past which landed in the hawthorn in the field.  Not wanting to leave them there, he hooked them off the hedge, brought them inside and told me he had balloons for the party too!  The funniest thing is that they've probably come from a childs' birthday party as one of the balloons was a black star and in the centre said 'Police'.  It made me laugh, and I said that at least there was a story behind it, so I used antibac wipes to wipe them down and we put them in the car.

We met Kate and Martin at the field at midday, Jane was there too as she had some work to do in the woods but left us to it and said she'd join us a bit later for lunch.  As it's a private field with no rights of access, Jane was happy for Alan to bring his air rifles, so he did a bit of target practice before we had lunch.

We had a lovely, relaxing afternoon and the weather was very kind to us, we even had time to get home, walk the boys and unpack the car before the foretasted rain arrived.

So my blip today is of Alan in action, and I've added an extra of Merlin, Jane's dog, who's a very handsome boy.

Rachel said that she's heard  from Scarlett's school  today, to say that they're not re-opening tomorrow due to the R value in the North West.  It doesn't affect Scarlett as she's in Year 2, but Violet was due to go to the pre-school from Wednesday, so that's looking unlikely.

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