Plot 30
Jim does'nt use this shed much. I've prompted him a couple of times about the very sad looking Zantedeschia. Love it!! :- ( It did have a bloom on it a couple of weeks ago. I think some of what is in here was probably here when he took the plot.
He arrived about an hour after me this morning. His courgettes are about a week ahead of mine although we planted at the same time. Jim provided the plants. Location, location, location. His plants are in the sun all day, mine get early sun, then later in the day. A mental note for next year. The same will probably apply to the tomato plants I've got on the plot. It's all a bit of a balancing act. Planning is one thing but if plants are ready to go, occasionally you have to revert to Plan B. I have'nt got a Plan B. It's called "winging it". I ask for advice all the time. I even listened to Toby Buckland from the Potting Shed on Radio Devon later ... Jim listens every week, and seems to be pick up tips etc. The RHS has recruited the first UK's garden water scientist, Janet Manning, a Bristolian with a really strong accent, ( I loved it!) was chatting to Toby. Interesting subject. Water being such a valuable commodity. I'm very careful with water, Mum more so than me. I've mentioned it before. 4hours on a Sunday!?!
Many of the plants watered, the broad beans are covered in blackfly. I gave them all another zap with the washing up liquid. Another week I reckon, before our first feed of beans ... I think it will have to be either roast lamb, or pork to celebrate the start of the harvesting season, although I've actually used a couple of recently lifted onions to eat with tonight's roast duck, but they don't really count................ do they??
Back home, time to pot on the sweet pepper plants, another first for me. I used the Tomato grobag compost, but filled pots. I've got too many plants to put 3 in a bag. That's a bit extravagant ... I'm not really mean. Honest! :- )) If I'm feeding the plants anyway, it's just a growing medium. The Heuchera splits from George & Jeans garden (she tells me every visit to take any pieces I'd like as I make plants to sell for the hospice), I cleaned up, trimmed, & potted up. The Lychnis seed sent from a FB friend in Sweden have germinated, so those were potted up as well. I moved some plants around in the garden at No81.
Late lunch of strawberry & rhubarb downside up/upside down cake with a double cream drizzle while attempting to complete the Saturday Sun general knowledge crossword. GRHHH! 4 answers short of completion. That's pretty good for me.
More faffing in the greenhouse followed. Then I had the prickly job of picking up the dead holly leaves. I think a good downpour would stop the leaves dropping. They are vicious ... ouch! ouch! ouch!
I have now used all the water in the water butts, what little there was.
Dinners cooking, I took the veg peelings up to feed the Tiger worms in the Wormery. All ticketyboo there.
Blimey!!! There are some very dodgy hair do's around. Lots of product!!! LOL!! The hairdressers/barbers are going to be working flat out once lockdown eases.
Thanks to Marlieske for hosting Derelict Sunday
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