Smug comes Before A Fall

Smug is she who drags herself out of bed at first sparrow’s fart and wends her away on two wheels to the farthest regions of Edinburgh civilisation just so she has enough deficit of calories to fund her licking of used baking bowls should the occasion arise.

Not that there was any desire to do that today with the baking bowls used to make oatmeal oatcakes and scone oatcakes. You may never have heard of scone oatcakes, but in reality they taste like ordinary scones but look like oatcakes. The reason for this is rolling out the dough too thinly, having forgotten since I last made them about 20 years ago that this was not the way forward. You can understand the scale of the disaster when I tell you that the amount of ingredients should have given me 5 scones, whereas I got 13.

In other matters I was smug having ordered a battery for my Montaine watch from Amazon but after fitting it I cannot for the life of me get the watch back on again. I followed the Google instructions as to what to do if you don’t have a watch back press , but no luck. I have been without a watch since a week after lockdown. Feeling not quite so smug now.

I was lucky with the early weather which was sunny and looked promising, but it has deteriorated since then and I’m inclined to stay home and read my new book “Where the Crawdads Sing”.

What time is it??

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