
By ayearinthelife

Keep on Running

Feeling quite down this morning. Reports of vast crowds in major cities. No matter how noble the cause, please remember there is a killer virus out there. If this goes on we’ll be back in full lockdown, and it’ll be even longer before I can see my family, return to the gym or go to the theatre.
Decided to go for a run. 5K of physical effort not only takes my mind off things happening elsewhere but enables me to connect with nature and restore some faith in human nature, as I only usually encounter people out doing the same as me (well, not just running but walking and cycling as well!). Respectful distance given all round and friendly greetings exchanged more often than not.
Never thought I’d be someone who would enjoy running. My main exercise was working the weights in the gym, with maybe a quick blast on the treadmill purely as a warm up. But when I bought those trainers in February, I suppose the news reports of lockdowns elsewhere in the world might have niggled at the back of my mind, as I ended up buying ones designed for running. Perhaps, deep down, I realised the gym might not be an option so other exercise would have to take its place.
Whatever, they have proved to be purchase of the year so very happy! Less happy with my ageing limbs though. Left calf and right knee persistently niggle but today was gratifyingly pain free - calf didn’t ache at all and knee support did it’s job. No surprise then that I came very close to my short term goal of doing 5K in under 30 minutes - just another minute to find.
And my mental state? Much happier. I can’t change what other people have, or will, do so why worry about it? If it leads to another lockdown, well that might be for the best. If it doesn’t, then maybe we really are winning the fight.
Either way, I just need to keep myself and my nearest and dearest as safe as possible and not get worked up about events over which I have no control. Concentrate on positive news and avoid the negative where possible. And try and keep a sense of perspective.

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