Retail Therapy...Stuffed Things, Signs, Ceramics

Lisa and I and our friend Wanda headed Up North today with at least 4 stops on our itinerary. 1. A turkey dinner with all the fixins. 2. A cheese shop. 3. A sporting goods store. 4. A wholesale outlet store...heavy on fishing, camping, etc. The problems?

1. The Turkey Roost is open, but for pick-up only, so we had to find another place to sit down. Then, after getting into our meals...THERE WAS NO BUTTER AND HONEY FOR OUR BISCUITS!
2. Since the virus started, the cheese shop doesn't have their free samples out. HOW MUCH FUN IS IT TO SHOP FOR CHEESE WITH NO FREE SAMPLES?
3. I go into the sporting goods store to steal ideas for my craft projects. I use the "stuffed" animals to transfer the pictures on to a gourd or a piece of wood. 
4. The wholesale store is beyond description. All kinds of food items that are near their expiration dates, and everything  you need for fishing and hunting. (I do neither.) So, you end up buying things (read chocolate and salty snacks) that you don't really need.

With all the complaints, we had a fun day.

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