Its the Way It Is

By Jeano

The Dragon’s Dilemma

Derella the Dragon dearly desired a double dose of devilled duck eggs for dinner.

‘Definitely not’ said her dear old Dad. ‘Don’t be daft, I know they are a delicacy - but stick to our usual diet of dandelion dumplings and dressed salad’

‘Ah Dad, no’ said Derella despairingly as she designed a daring diversion to distance herself from the dining-room.

Disobeying and disappointing her Dad was not Derella’s default. She felt deceitful as she was fond of her decrepit, dimpled Dad.

So Derella decided to desist in her dream of a dish of delicious devilled eggs and instead be a devoted daughter.

So dandelion dumplings all round for the drooling dragon diners


My friend’s daughter is a primary school teacher and is giving her 8 year old students their lessons online. So some of us are helping her compose fun stories to help in teaching them their vocabulary.

So meet Derella with a capital D

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