Squirrel Blip Friday .....

... and Flower Friday thrown in!

I had gotten an email yesterday saying that my new glasses were ready to be picked up.  I had to make an appointment to pick them up and I had made it for this morning.  As it turned out this was the only place I went today.  The weather was mostly overcast with some occasional rain showers ... we didn't get out for a walk because of this. 

We did have some excitement this morning as another one of our overwintered Black Swallowtail butterflies emerged.  This makes two of seven and we are awaiting the others.  Even if we have 50% success rate I would be happy.  But, of course, we are hoping for all of them to eventually emerge.   

There was also some excitement later in the day when we saw a female Ruby-throated Hummingbird back on our clothes line near the trumpet-vine honeysuckle.  It was late in the day and the conditions were awful but I managed a few (terrible!) photos of her.  These are the first photos of the season. 

I just saw after I posted this that it's my 3600th blip! Although this isn't considered a milestone it does means a special blipday is soon to happen!

Our county went yellow today on the Coronavirus scale ... which means the stay-at-home order has been lifted!! YAY!! Of course, we will still use caution when we go out. 
Pennsylvania COVID-19 by the numbers (as of 12:00 PM today 06/05/20):
Positive cases in Pennsylvania  - 74,385* (an increase of 443)
Negative cases in Pennsylvania - 424,201
Number of deaths in Pennsylvania - 5,886 (an increase of 69)
Cases in Northampton County -  3,136 (225 deaths)

* Total case counts include confirmed and probable cases.

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