
Today we shall take down the Advent wreath from the front door and burn it. It's Candlemas, forty days after Christmas. It commemorates the. presentation of Jesus at the temple (the setting for the lovely Nunc Dimittis) but is also an ancient festival which predates Christianity and celebrates the return of the sun's warmth and light after winter. For me, it is a day more worthy of celebration than Hogmanay. January is a dark, cold month and nobody should start a diet or a new project until the days are lengthening and energy and good spirits are returning.

There is lots of weather lore about Candlemas, too. If it's sunny, then winter hasn't finished (and yes, it was a beautifully sunny day here today). In the USA, it's Groudhog Day (one of my favourite films!). And maybe it's significant that Youngest Son came out of his burrow, made some toast, sniffed the air and returned to his room.

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