Flower Friday

I'm pleased that I made the effort to get up early this morning to go for a long overdue walk around the park. Too many people nagging/encouraging me to ignore!  It was lovely, I definitely feel better for it, my motivation returned, I  even attempted a 'no sewing ' face mask made from the sleeve of an old Tshirt. Needs working on as its very thin and flimsy.
This garden near the river always attracts my attention, part flowers, part vegetables, I thought it was looking particularly lovely today...thanks to Bikerbear for hosting.
Peter Pan streaming on YouTube tonight, I'm not too old for that, it will be fun I hope.
I still have the letters that my son G wrote to Tinkerbell, that he left with his baby teeth under his pillow....happy magical days:)

Thank you for looking in and the responses :)

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