Still life in the Ikea bulging bag
Whites already laundered, the colours went through the machine this morning. Klunk! ...klunk! The washing machine protesteth! (Think I'd overloaded it) OPS!! Thank goodness it behaved itself after I'd taken some laundry out. All dry, folded, sorted, ready for either a charity shop or the Salvation Army clothes bank. The clothes actually smelled clean, which I'm sure they were, just some ass being lazy and dumping them on the roadside rather than take them home again, but if I had them in the house I wanted peace of mind. Women's fashion, & children's clothes. Another casualty .... the rotary washing line has broken it's arm .... :- ( Setting in plaster will not help. Cheaper to replace though than the washing machine .... you see how my glass is always half full. It was half full but I just nipped out to the kitchen and topped it up.
An early visit to the allotment. I was ONLY going up to collect the coloured clothes from the shed, but although all the crops seemed to have shot up overnight ,the ground was still quite dry in places. The last row of peas planted would'nt have got watered as I had them under a cloche. I watered them, added some sticks for the plants to climb, then tied in a few of the runner beans. I think 'White Lady' should be renamed 'White Hussy', she is determined to climb up the sticks with the other variety. I've had words ...... Black fly! I've had words with them too. Hopefully the squirt of soapy water will do the bizz. Why do the weeds grow faster .. I eventually got home at 10.20am after doing a shop at the Coop on the way home. I brought pots & sticks for the tomato plants, plus the bag of compost. I did'nt get to plant the tomatoes, or give the Singer another spin.
This afternoon I've purchased a 800grm punnet of Malling Centenary strawberries grown in Worcester. A 113grm tub of Rodda's clotted cream will not do the job. LOL!!
Thanks to Ingeborg for hosting Abstract Thursday.
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