Glimmertwin 32

Lockdown Day 73

A busy morning at work, but thankfully no dramas and I finished on time so now my long weekend begins.  

After lunch I took the boys out for a walk and then I went to Asda at the marina, and while I was there I went to see this latest artwork by the local artist 'Glimmertwin 32' who I've featured before.  He painted this on Tuesday and is based on Michelangelo's painting in the Sistine Chapel.

I didn't have to queue long to get into Asda and it was relatively quiet in there, the only thing that gets me is that they've clearly marked a one way system with no entry signs on one end of the aisles and green arrows on others, so that you can follow it round, but people were just ignoring it and going wherever they wanted.  Once I got home I washed the shopping - a habit I've got into, which takes me longer than actually doing the shopping lol!  One exciting find today was 70% alcohol hand sanitiser!

I phoned mum to see how she's doing but she's still in a lot of pain with her legs, she phoned the doctors to tell them what was said at the hospital but they won't give her anything until they receive a letter with the scan results.  I've told her to phone them again tomorrow as it's two weeks on Friday since she first went to them, and I've said to give permission for them to speak to me and I'll call them.  I know there are processes and this is an exceptionally difficult time due to Covid-19, but at the end of the day mum's 85 years old and can't be left to suffer.


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