Goose pile

Bit of a stressful day - work stupidly busy, as usual, but also liaising with my Mum and siblings about how she can get to a much-needed hospital appointment next week (two, actually, as she has to go and have a Covid test first, two days before they'll see her).  Bit of a nightmare, as my brother-in-law is shielding, my brother and I are both over the other side of the country, and I don't want to put Tim at risk with his lung issues.  Spoke to my Mum this afternoon and we talked over some ideas - then later she messaged to say she'd managed to get a wheelchair-accessible taxi for both days.  Phew.  Not ideal, as I don't like the idea of her having to go on her own, but it is a solution.

Knackered this evening (still feeling quite a lot better, just tired), but forced myself out for a walk to the pond and back.  Nice to see the babies again - all looking quite sleepy tonight.  Only had my little point and shoot with me, as I thought it might rain, so not the best quality photo, but it'll do.  Lovely and quiet out this evening, thanks to the weather.

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