
I was taking a photo of a geranium flower when it was photobombed! This morning I had a visit from a company contracted to HomeServe to look at the soakaway drain with water in it. They jetted it (backwards) and there is no blockage, so as the other pipes don't have water in we both think the problem it too little fall on the pipe when it was installed. I've asked for a quote to get it done. 

Day 80 / Day 72 of Lockdown / Day 3 of Step 2 (for my record only)
UK deaths up 359 to 39,728. Two oddities in the stats, one being the slower decline in deaths and new cases than other countries have had. The other being that although we've now had NHS Test & Trace in place for a week, the number testing positive is steady. This is odd as the previous policy was that you got a test if you wanted one, this changed a week ago so you MUST get tested if you get symptoms and then your contacts can be traced and must isolate. ONS sampling suggests there are c8,000 new cases a day, so having only 1,871 testing positive today suggests than only 23% of virus carriers are being picked up. Even taking asymptomatic cases into account, it suggests that most people with symptoms aren't getting tested (unless the ONS conclusions are incorrect). 

Nothing new in the briefing today, but two intriguing comments by the experts. The CMO said that NHS T&T is 'not at cruising altitude yet' which is different to the impression Matt Hancock is trying to give. The CSA stated that Sage advise is that quarantining worked best 'when the number of cases in this country is very low, and when [it's] applied to countries with higher rates'. This is not the case generally with the system being implemented from 8th June requiring 14 days isolation for people entering the country with a fine of £1k for non-compliance. I think the experts are starting to revolt! The next controversy might be the social distancing 2m, with Boris saying he wants to reduce it to 1m and the CMO saying previously how important it is to keep it to 2m. Jeremy Hunt told a committee of MPs that evidence from the University of Bristol suggested that 20% of negative results could be false. 

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