Red valerian seed head

The red valerian in the garden is in full bloom and the first seed heads with those special parasol spikes shapes are already forming.

Just listened to the Dutch government's press conference regarding summer holiday tourism and travel this year and it seems we can soon all go to almost every other country within the EU, but no relief regarding letting tourists from outside the EU come to EU countries yet. I wonder who will dare to go on a holiday abroad. As for our stranded youngsters we'll just have to wait until the EU discusses the travel restrictions just before June 15th to see what the general idea will be. I have a small hope, but not much. Maybe Japan will lift its restrictions for tourists from outside Japan first, and in that case at least they can be together in Japan.

Remember that tomorrow's Abstract Thursday challenge is on the first Thursday of the new month and thus there isn't a theme. The tag will be AT258.

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