LD 72 Parliamentary Standing

After yesterday's complete farce in the House of Commons, it might be useful to see how a modern parliament adapts to circumstance to protect not just members but all staff whilst continuing to function.

This afternoon I delivered a statement  to the Parliament on Brexit and the need for the UK to seek an extension to the current transition phase.   Given the requirement for social distancing in the Holyrood Chamber and the fact that I was not due to speak on anything else this week it was agreed that I should do so from my desk at home, which I did.  I shall be in the Parliament for a different statement next week. 

I use a standing desk here as well as in the Parliament so I was able to position my webcam to allow me to stand throughout the half hour of statement  and questions ( a dozen of them)  and apart from one very brief drop out of picture it worked flawlessly.   Sound in the chamber wasn't bad either apparently.

Oh and just to show the versatility of the system, this morning I used it to give evidence for over an hour to the Parliament's COVID Committee again taking questions from a range of members most of whom were also at home though some were in their offices in the Parliament complex. 

So this is what you might call a "Parliamentary Standing" , a hundred miles away from the Scottish Parliament itself.    

Many thanks are due to the  Parliamentary TV, IT and other staff who made it happen and are continuing to ensure that our democracy delivers. 

Without queuing.... 

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