The Witches Stone

One of my regular walks with the dog is around the Carriden Estate. In the woods is The Witches Stone where several hapless souls have been  despatched by burning, You can barely make out the engraving on the stone but it is there never the less. Now I am sure that a lot of these tales are apocryphal but these are remarkably well documented. Whenever a malaise or misfortune would befall an individual or indeed the village an accusation of witchcraft would be made and inevitably a women (nearly all were widows) would meet an untimely end tied to a stake at this very spot. The villagers indulged in such a practice that it can only be described as enthusiasm. 

Anyway that is by-the by. Today we passed by the spot having taking a route a little off piste. I discover a young woman communing with the stone, she was on her knees and was stroking and caressing the stone. Ok, bit spooky I thought. The hairs were beginning to rise on my neck.

"The Witches Stone" I said. She looked around and just said "Yes", then out from behind the stone trotted a jet black dog. I don't know if you are familiar with the term 'a familiar' but Murdo and I suddenly remembered an urgent appointment elsewhere.

This is absolutely true.

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