a town called E.

By Eej

Heart for You

On the walk home it proved impossible to see where the road started and the side walk ended - or where the side walk started and the road ended. Or whether there'd be a big hole for me to sink in or just fall on my ass.
I sort of winged it - at one point following some tracks of a small plow thingy and ending up nowhere near where I needed to be. And up to above my knees in a snow bank.

I still love snow, but I would not mind AT ALL if Van Buren County cleans up the sidewalks just a tiny bit.

All the windows in the garage are frozen, and I warmed up my finger and drew a heart. Just because. About an hour later the sun was setting and I went outside to look - and saw the sun was making the window look like copper stained glass, and my heart much prettier than it was :)

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