
By Cumbrialass

Cat watch!

A day out. Sort of. 
Mike was after a specific plant and so I suggested Beetham garden centre.. partly because the car needed a good run after 11 weeks not going far  and it was a nice sunny day.  
It was very clear looking towards the lake district fells . I should have brought the camera... 
 Beethams was quite busy despite the cafe being closed, but we were able to park the car in the shade of the large hedge which kept the car cool but it was still ok to  take Fletch in with us.  Thank you Beetham garden centre.. which is why we go to you and  not Hayes
Plant found and bought ( small spindle tree) we set off home.  Just as we approached Milnthorpe we  glanced over by the river and there was a herd of young deer.. lots! I should have taken the camera ! But as it was,  there was nowhere to park.

Dropped off M and Fletch and on to Big Tesco... I managed to get everything in less tha half and hour.. a Lockdown record!

Still daylight well past 10. The  blackbirds were screeching because there was a cat .. Fletch chased it away   then the blackbirds were still screeching because they couldnt find their baby.. They were flying about , worms in their beaks  and seemed quite distressed. We heard it . It had flown  into our garage.  Finally it flew out , was reunited and order was restored.

Fletch has spent most of the evening,  looking out the window  alert for cats.. and dashing out into the garden every time he heard the  blackbirds. 
I hope he doesnt hear them at 4 am. 

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