Gifts of Grace

By grace

Happy as ...

... a starling  having a bath!

I am beside myself with joy.

Tonight I started an eight week course (?) - exploration - with the divine Nora.  I didn't even know it was on till yesterday - not sure she did either :-)

The umbrella topic is education/learning/how change happens.  Learning between contexts and generations.  Learning how we learn individually and systemically.  How we each and systems learn.  Sounds dry as dust when written - is juicy as a ripe peach and refreshing as a starling's bath in reality.

The first session so rich, so wise, so tender and deeply, deeply nourishing.  I feel I've been at a banquet with intellectual royalty.  What a feast!  I can hardly believe my luck.  How did this fall in my lap?

I'm so excited I can barely type!  Feel like I ate a bag of sugar.

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