
By HarryG


I spent part of this evening finishing a book chapter. I am not writing a book (yet!) but collaborating in a book project as part of a 30 year anniversary reunion. The idea is that each member of the class of 1984 should contribute a chapter. No one should know who has written which particular chapter. But each author does see all the prior chapters and can take the story in any direction they want. God knows where it will go - that is part of the fun. It may get quite raw or rude and the organisers may need to edit a little. The second chapter was assigned to me to get the work started and to introduce some characters. Of course EL James got a reference perhaps someone can take that on a flight of fancy. And Joyce too with all his orgiastic yes's.

Then when I left the office this evening I spotted this painting of a reclining woman singing or talking or maybe having a good gossip. That's how I felt...

Tomorrow I join a colleague and a couple of friends of our firm at Twickenham for the Scotland match. Can't say I know much about the tournament and I can never cite the names of players but I do enjoy the atmosphere of a large crowd in good spirit.

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