The Return of Bokhara!

My Dear Princess and Dear Fellows,

I found an email from Bokhara in my gmail account today. It has actually been there for ages, but swamped by all the crap I get in there so I never noticed.

I was delighted by his brief update on the state of things in Cumbria, and wrote him a lengthy email about life in Paraparaumu.

(Incidentally, I have discovered that Paraparaumu is one of those words my fingers just want to keep on typing. Like this - "Paraparaumumumu.")

His email came with this picture attached. Mad Dog and Auslaender may remember the t-shirt. I used to draw pictures of Bokhara all the time. They were easy and fun to do because most of the time he was remonstrating about how crap things were. 

He was a great remonstrator, was Bokhara. His voice would go up a few octaves and he'd wave his arms at the screen, indicating a bit of code written by The Aardvark or Chuck Norris.

"Oooh!! Look at this! Kids! 'Oood 'ave 'em! It's just DARKNESS, Symon! Ooooh! 'E's 'avin a LARF! What a lot of TOILET."

Then the eruption would be over and he would return to a more sanguine state. "Well, it's just shite, innit?" he would continue.

So our favourite cartoon of Bokhara was of him waving his arms around with his mouth open so wide it dominates his entire head. Flying out from the figure were speech bubbles saying things like, "DARKNESS!", "TOILET!" and "I WAS ONLY WRONG ONCE AND THAT WAS WHEN I THOUGHT I WAS WRONG BUT I WAS RIGHT."

We liked that cartoon so much I had it made into a t-shirt and gave it to him when he left Standard Life (the first time) in 1997. I can't believe he still has it. (Unless this is an old photo). I very much appreciate that he adopted the pose for us. 

Incidentally, it occurs to me that I have drawn cartoons of all three of you. And Murphy. This is one of the perils of knowing me, I am afraid.


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