
By JustSally

...but I wouldn't want to live there!

My sister and I had planned to go to Wisley to see the butterflies in the glasshouse. Several Blippers have already been. We woke up to cold heavy rain so we have postponed the trip. I fell back on that staple of winter hostesses, a jigsaw! I found a beautiful 1920s wooden jigsaw that had belonged to my father and we got engrossed in that, "helped" occasionally by Coco.

Normous took us out to lunch in a pub in the village where we were brought up - Judith says it is the first pub she drank in. Then we investigated a new development which is happening at Kingswood Warren, formerly the BBC Research Centre where I used to work before I had my family, back in the early sixties. The house is being developed into eight luxury apartments starting at £1.25 million for the one bedroom apartment! In the grounds they are building huge mansions with prices off the scale! Five bedrooms each with en suite, luxury kitchen, underground car park, sweeping lawns, what else could they ask for!

We've just come back from a trip to the cinema to see "Quartet", lovely gentle film with a great cast.

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