White Rabbits.

The world is fraught with Pillocks, amongst whom I am to be numbered Chief!

I've just taken a set of four "possibles", opened the software, selected the four and clicked "Trash" by accident, instead of "Download".

Friday is shopping day...so we did. On the way home I spotted a sticker on the rear window of the car in front. Didn't check settings, due to time constrained PANIC.
Turns out they were all damnear black.

Chances are I'll never see it again. I suspect s/he was of farming stock, and anti- Europe.
Top of sticker said something like "Ewe-K Yes" and a wee sheepie picture.
The lower sheepie picture read (Approx) "Ewe-rope NO"

I shot the Snowdrop on a whim (Just like "The Lion sleeps tonight." The urge to sing it is only a whim away, a whim away) as we got out of the car. Which isn't too bad as it'll serve as a record of the 1st snowdrop to bend its head this year. I blipped my 1st Blip in 2009, 3rd March and it was, coincidentally, a Snowdrop.

Not that I seem to dwell overly on them, I can only find 8 in a search for "Snowdrop by me".

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