Day 79 of personal lockdown.
A great Tai Chi Zoom session this morning with C and Gus. Felt very relaxed afterwards and, as always, so lovely to see everyone.
Did a little bit more studying of Back Button Focus and at least now I understand what it's supposed to do (I think). Still can't figure out why so many pro photographers says it's so great so will have to try it myself sometime. Tried to see how to adjust the Nikon D7200 for it but the lesson I found was for all Nikons and it confused me as the one they used was obviously a very high end Nikon and has a slightly different menu to mine. When it's not so hot I will figure out how it's different but can't concentrate on that at the moment.
Will now have to spend some time going through all my photo files (at least a couple of hours a day) to free up some memory space. It's just getting a bit sluggish and as I shoot in RAW it takes up an awful lot of memory. Mind you I do save everything so I just need to weed out the bad photos.
Hoping to go and see Mum again later this week, on a cooler day and have a socially distanced drink with either in the garden in partly in the garage in the shade.
In the extras I include another sort of hover fly I think that was on the house wall, just loved the shadow he formed. Not sure what type of bee/hoverfly it is - anyone know please??
Please do take great care everyone and stay safe. See you all tomorrow.
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