A huddle of Hampsons

I am blipping seriously early! But internet is very hit and miss, so whilst I've got it...
We had an early window drop by from James, heard his shouts of 'Asha! Nate!' Homeschooling included having to write a story about a superhero who beats coronavirus and saves the earth. Asha's superhero was Capitana Boudicca with flowing red hair...she eventually saves the world by flinging coronavirus into space and it becomes a beautiful planet.
Asha's class also had a group Zoom today - lovely to hear them all nattering! 
Between classes and appointments Danny had a couple of hours, so we packed a picnic and drove into the countryside for a wander and explore. Soooo much fun! Who knew the kids having individual picnics in the car would be SUCH a hit?!! 
See extra pic for another attempt at a jumping pic - we Hampsons never seem to be able to jump in sync, ha!

Today I'm grateful for;
1) A lovely postcard for the kids from a friend in our home church.
2) Simple pleasures like a picnic.
3) Being on track to finish writing a long overdue update. 

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