MM332 - Impromptu

This little koala looks a bit perturbed to have a spider plant growing out of its head. Like it's a bit confused as to how it got there.

It had an impromptu photo shoot in the ten minutes of light I had after school. I am learning about metering and the relationship between aperture, shutter speed and ISO. To be honest, I was better at working out the exposure of my shots before I had all the numbers and things rolling around in my head. Now my shots are all under exposed and I can't work out why! This one was okay.

I think for a while I'll be shooting my assignment tasks for my blip quite often, so apologies in advance. I am going to have even less time as I now have to try and work out why a photo turned out well, rather than just being happy it did! :D

Thank you to Laurie for hosting this month.


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