Carol: Rosie & Mr. Fun

By Carol

2020 Sunday — Pray for America

I was thrilled to see this report: a peaceful protest in San Luis Obispo (SLO). However, in the big cities in America, it is alarming to see protests turned into violent riots.

My mom was born and raised in Georgia. She hated the racism she experienced everywhere there, so when she married my dad in 1945, she was delighted to leave the south. Mom taught her children to honor and respect all humans; color was not a factor. My mom would have viewed the death of George Floyd as an innocent man murdered by a corrupt cop. The media is trying to get everyone to see this as a black man murdered by a white cop. He was an evil cop and the other cops with him appear not to be much better. He was an evil cop, he might be racist (has that been proven yet?), but he is definitely evil. His evil act has made America unsafe for every one.

We have a friend whose son is a police officer in Chattanooga. The officer put this message on social media several hours ago:

“Last night I stood as most police officers are doing in the country in front of an angry mob of people. They were shouting, “No justice, no peace!” “I can’t breathe!” “F*** the police!” “Kill the police!” They, in unison would start shouting “F*** you, F*** you, F*** you!” They would shout “No justice no peace!” Then they would start trying to break into businesses, and they would throw bricks in our direction.

I tried to tell them, sir, ma’am, I did not kill anyone! In my 5 years of being a cop, I haven’t killed anyone! It makes me mad what has happened also!! You know what their responses were? “F*** you, you dirty pig! I hope you rot in hell.” “You should be the one that is F***ing dead!” I did not hear one derogatory or crude remark said back to these folks by my brothers and sisters in blue. Instead, we stood in silence, holding the line.

Those are the words that were screamed at all of us, all night, and into the early hours of the morning. Last night I lost just a little bit of faith in Americans. Last night I lost just a little bit of faith in the path that America is on.

But, rest assured, while you sit behind your keyboard typing your opinions on social media, we will be out there again tonight. We will be out there to make sure that business owners don’t have to pay more money for repairs in this economic downturn. We will be out there to make sure that Chattanoogans can enjoy downtown Chattanooga tomorrow. We will be out there to protect Chattanooga. That is what police officers do. We do not do what has been plastered all over social media for the last few days. Please pray for us.”
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Our favorite preacher explained this morning that in Cleveland last night a peaceful protest became a violent riot. It’s happened in Minneapolis, Chicago, Houston, Los Angeles, Atlanta, Charleston, and other cities. Buildings and businesses are being destroyed. So a nation that’s been dealing with Covid-19 shutdown, it’s people are also now on curfew. Fighting evil with evil does not produce good.

I’m not going to point fingers or blame until all the evidence is gathered, but I am going to pray for the safety of every one and for the truth to be known, and that I can be part of the solution, not part of the problem.

Good night,
Rosie (& Mr. Fun), aka Carol
and Chloe & Mitzi

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