If you can't beat them...

By Jerra

Feeding time.

Following on from my shot of the chicks in the nest a couple of days ago I thought it would be nice to have a shot of the adults feeding the chicks.  So first thing, well mid morning actually ( but first thing for me ) I wandered out set a chair against hegde and sat down.

I didn't have to wait long before an adult arrived.  It saw me and flew into the bush beside the feeders.  Having "eyed me up" for safety in a few seconds it decided I was no threat and flew direct to the nestbox.

As far as I can see the delicacy it is bringing in is a Crane Fly.  The other question which may be in some heads is "Why didn't he clone out that black line?"  Well that black line is the cable which conducts the images to the television, so I thought it might be interesting for some to see that.  The other point of interest is the window in the side of the box.  This is of course double glazed, nothing but the best for my birds!   The windows are needed to allow enough light into the box for daytime shots.  Night time are of course infrared.

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