Why Is This 'Gator Smiling?

#1.This, probably, 3 year old American Alligator lives in Sweetwater       Wetlands Park here in Gainesville, FL. A safe space for this reptile.
#2. It's a very warm, sunny day.
#3. It's tummy is probably nice and full because there is more than enough for a 'Gator to eat at Sweet Water Wetlands.  
#4. It's hanging out in an area where larger, predatory alligators are not able to gain access. 
There are likely more reasons why this young 'Gator is smiling but it didn't choose to share them with me.
My favorite local 'wild' space has changed a lot since Covid 19 raised it's ugly head. A temporary 'new' entrance because the original one forces visitors to pass each other much closer than 'social distancing' requires. The boardwalks are now all One Way and 'tight' areas are roped off. Sad. Those are my favorites. :(  But at least this beautiful park is open!
Do take a look at my *extras...Needham's Skimmer Dragonfly, a first time identification for me!, Water-lily Blossom, Osprey... Head On!, Black-crowned Night Heron, Female Boat-tailed Grackle, Osprey in flight.
And some photos of the 'March for Our Freedom' I participated in yesterday. It was powerful, well organized, and completely non-violent (except for the crazy guy who tried to run over some of the marchers, he was immediately arrested!) And yes, that is a 'selfie'! ;)
Be safe and be well!

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