Food, Glorious Food
Dear O'H dear and Lovely Tea Jenny,
This weather is lovely but it means that everyone is trying to catch up with people outside and this means stress - the stress caused by picnickers on the hill. Or more accurately, the stress caused by Murphy thinking that picnics are buffets laid out especially for him. He also likes a good rummage in any bags of uncooked meat as he’s quite partial to a raw sausage or ten.
This situation is made more difficult because of social distancing as I can’t just go and grab him when he’s in the middle of a slightly confused family watching him inhale their burger buns. Murphy isn’t about to give up his newly purloined feast to come back for the proffered gravy bone. He’s not an idiot.
Thankfully, the family who had their bbq food raided found it very funny and Murphy was very pleased with himself.
I have sacrificed a goat to the rain gods.
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