All ready & waiting ...

... but not waiting for long.

There’s a deep flower bed near our kitchen window. I haven’t been particularly successful with it over the years.

I’ve spent many hours clearing it this week because I thought that perhaps we should try keeping our chickens here, instead of further down the garden. It’s nearer us, nearer the dogs lookouts and lit by a street light all night. We have far too many foxes around here and I’m hoping I’m taking wise evasive action.

I bought an ‘Eglu’ on eBay and collected it this morning. I poured out barrows full of wood chip and assembled it all. Elbows seemed so preoccupied and I assumed he was working. But by late afternoon, he’d found a farm selling chickens and collected them.

He arrived home with one son more than he left with, a broken bike and 3 chickens in a box, all crammed crazily into a mini.

They are 3 very sweet birds. Wonderfully different, and about 20 weeks old. I’ll blip them soon, when we’ve decided on names.

By the time I’d gone to bed, a fox had been up to examine the run 3 times. These hen house’s are pretty fox-proof so hopefully Mr Fox and his family will learn soon that these are not available snacks.

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