In full bloom

I have a soft spot for rhododendrons - we have one in our garden when I was growing up which I found rather exotic, although now, especially here in Highand Perthshire, they are somewhat ubiquitous and indeed considered a weed by some. Anyhow I was pleased to see one in back garden when we bought the house and have since planted another two. 

The back one had finally bloomed. However in planning work to house and garden we have come to the conclusion that it occupies the spot which is the only logical space to move the shed into. I have resigned myself to sacrificing it ( :-( ) but on investigating further discovered that mature ones can be transplanted so will try that (along with propogating cuttings). 

In today's other gardening news my onion sets are coming along nicely as are the turnips, kholrabi, wongbok and herbs; two of my three sunflowers have survived planting out. The beetroot which I sowed directly is doing well but the seedlings I transplanted less so (and I think have been finished off by leaving under glass in yesterday's sunshine). 

I'm quite enjoyng spending time in the gardening each day, weeding, watering & pottering.  Off now to do my Gaelic, yoga then lunch. 

Enjoy the rest of the weekend.

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