From the dark corner.....

By Rozwood1970

Ayr - Oh how I've missed you!

How can it be that there are some days when you are reduced to taking a picture of the ceiling, a potato, a clock or a brick wall - ummmmm OK, I have done all of those - and then there are other days when you could have taken about forty pictures and have had a problem deciding which to use?

Today was definitely one of those days. Those rotten little birds having decided to be really stuck up all week and ignore my feeders decided to put on a great show just when I had my Vileda Supermop in hand and was halfway through scrubbing the kitchen floor! You could guarantee everything would have vanished if I'd put my mop down and run to get my camera. Typical! A squirrel sat glaring from the lawn at the birds and just when I thought the show was over, a gigantic pigeon sat right on top of the pole with the feeders hanging off and just sat there looking totally pissed off as he knew he couldn't get at any of them as he couldn't hover long enough to get any. Poor pigeon! I could almost see him folding his arms wings and hear him saying 'HUMPH!'

Anyway, I am going to have to speed up a bit here as the second of tonight's Coronation Street episodes is on and it's really good with Gail Platt (looks like ET crossed with Barry Manilow) about to be humiliated in front of her whole family!

Sorry about that! I went to the beach as soon as I got here as I could see the wonderful glow at the end of the road and could even just make out the Isle of Arran although the wind was getting stronger and the clouds were moving quickly. My hands were freezing when I took my gloves off to take this picture of the Heads of Ayr. Brrrrrr!

Track? How about a cracking one from the Rolling Stones to go with my title? -
Miss You

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