

An attractive cluster of fungi growing in a tree - seems an unlikely place, but I was pleased to have it shown to me by a stranger walking his dogs in the area.

Thank you for the comments, stars and hearts for ‘highlights and shadows’ featured yesterday.
I really appreciate your continued visits, especially when I am slipping further behind with comments and visits on blip. Hopefully it will improve in another few days.

Day 18 at Alert Level 2 in NZ
Total coronavirus cases in NZ remains at 1504
Confirmed cases 1154 + Probable cases 350 giving a total of 1504
New cases today 0 - this is the 9th day in a row without a new case.
Death Toll across NZ remains at 22 
Number in Hospital 0
Recovered from Coronavirus 1481 - the number of active cases remains at 1
Total tested in NZ  280,983

Information is from the Government Ministry of Health website

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