Not silly at all
This evening at about 5 PM I received an emergency alert text on my phone announcing that there would be a curfew in Seattle from then until 5:00 tomorrow morning. Turning on the TV, I discovered that the alert was in response to rioting in downtown Seattle, involving burning police cars, looting stores, and destruction of whatever came to hand. Two earlier peaceful protests, at noon and at 2 PM, had been overwhelmed by a violent mob that started at about 3. More than 1,000 were in the streets, and they refused to disperse when the curfew was announced. The State has been asked to send unarmed National Guardsmen to help establish and maintain order, and the Bellevue Police Department is also sending help. It's terrifying.
If I were able, I might have gone to one of the earlier protests; I am so appalled by the awful events of the last few months, culminating in the murder of George Floyd. But in a society in which peaceful protest is ignored, if tolerated, and violent action brings violent retribution, I don't see what that is positive is to be gained by rioting. Perhaps I'm a coward. But I fear for us all.
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