
By Cumbrialass

Saturday scavenger hunt

The Canon group had a photo scavenger theme . Red flower, In the kitchen, something I made, time.
Collage is my contribution.

I took these with my phone and straight after I took the last one my phone froze and died! 
Luckily after some r& r and plugged in to fast charge it has recovered. Phew.. it's not like I can pop in somewhere to have it checked .

Very warm today but as there was a sea breeze I thought it would be ok  to walk up to the sea wall. Fletch was ok at first , we paused under shady trees  but then he decided to rush down the banking to the rather muddy beck that leads into the sea. Normally he comes back if I call him but the lure of water was too much.  He only had a few laps before he obeyed orders and came out but I was worried hed be ill.  Back home I bathed his paws in cold water to cool him down and clean off the mud. He was then sick. Luckily after that he was ok but I felt terrible that I'd taken him out.  I just hadnt realised hown hot it was. I have learnt my lesson
For the rest of the afternoon he was fine  snoozing on his cool mat.. a good buy from B&M a couple of years ago.

I sat in the shade reading and catching up by text with my friend who is having problems with her phone,  it wont let her send or receive phone calls or Messenger  phone calls. I'm glad that my phone seems to be ok .. for now.

Fletch and I had a stroll round the block about 6 ish.. several woman seemed to be having a party on the green.. I counted 6 of them.. Almost 2  metres apart. Theyd rigged up a speaker so  music was blaring out and there was a table spread with food and booze!  ,  obviously not waiting till Monday's eased down lockdown rules. 
Personally I'm keeping my distance. Much as I want to meet up with friends I dont  think we should rush things..  but if I do visit anyone at least I'm officially allowed to use their toilet... from Monday!

Take care everyone  xx

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