Rolling, rolling...

We had not used our roller in a long time, but I decided to try it this spring for the barley fields which were sown last. It's getting very dry (no rain in forecast for a week) and in these conditions it may help the seed germinate better. If it rained, there would be a higher risk of surface hardening. Therefore I have usually relied on the little roller wheels in the back of the seed drill. Most of the time the result is probably better that way.

Before getting this far I took Jussi to his school to pick up his report card. While he was there, I had a look at some vans on the yards of a couple of used car dealers... His report was quite good, improving from the previous.

My father did the actual rolling while I finished picking stones with the boys on the our rockiest field. There are many other fields left, but having this one done feels like a little victory. Also put three more heifers out, and the previous three to the large paddock, with my brother and nephews helping. It went quite well this time.

In the evening we had barbecue, beer and blues at the same time. Triinu was barbecuing our dinner and we had beers watching Erja Lyytinen's gig streaming live on the laptop. Probably a moment that won't be repeated very often!

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