Busy bees

This morning, after I had dragged myself out of a sleep coma, Gorgeous and I headed to Stromness and installed the mobile tack room (caravan) into the horses field. It will make life so much easier to have everything where I need it! And hopefully save my car being full to the brim of horse stuff. We also unloaded a week's worth of poo pickings from the field trailer to the poo heap. 

We cheated for lunch and got a Co-op meal deal. Then out to Lyde with the dogs under an amazing sky of high cirrus clouds. 

Back then to the horses and a ride out on George and Bessie. Gorgeous got a well deserved compliment about his seat having improved from a guy who is ex household cavalry. Just 20 minutes later, said seat did a brilliant job of sitting out a spectacular 0-60 in 1.5 seconds as George got spooked by some farm machinery. 

I was right beside and must say... Im impressed! 

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