
Another day of sunshine.
Spent the morning hauling some Hereford X heifers down the road to their summer grazing. Had to wait until the postie had been for the last load as I was waiting for replacement ear tags for 3 of them to arrive.
Then the sprayer man arrived in to spread liquid nitrogen on the silage ground. It was a bit of a catch 22 though. Have been waiting since the 5th of May for the fert to be delivered. It should have been applied 3 weeks ago and in the mean time the grass has grown a fair bit. But if we don’t allow enough time before we cut the grass then the it will contain a higher level of nitrogen than is ideal to make good silage .
Also , ideally you would apply it on a dull, cool, or even wet day to avoid it scorching the leaves. Not 27c and bright sunshine. So we shall see what happens.
Down the road again tonight to fill the petrol cans, and noticed a marked increase in boy racers flying about in their usual haunts. Also groups of folk sitting in gardens , not keeping very far apart ! Think I’ll retreat back up to the hills and stay there for a while yet.

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