An ordinary life....

By Damnonii

Hot! Hot! Hot!

Facebook has been reminding me that this time last year (and the year before) we were away enjoying ourselves in the lovely little boathouse at Loch Tay.  Oh to be there right now, surrounded by bluebell woods and looking right onto the calm water...

But I am not complaining.  In this beautiful summer sunshine we have a lovely garden to sit in and enjoy, and we've certainly done that today.  In the shade though as neither of us are sun worshippers.  

What a joy just to sit and watch a butterfly flutter its way around the lupins.  David (Mr Always on the Go!) even managed to sit and relax for a chunk of the day.

I had hoped to photograph the lupins for my blip but they were in full sun and it was just too hot to even try, so into the shady end of the pergola I went instead, and sheltered from the sun by the clematis (which unlike the lavender, we haven't managed to kill!) I took some shots of its lovely blooms.  

The day started with a text message from Nikki.  Her friend had seen the photos of Esme with her rainbow painting on FB and has asked Nikki if I could do one each for her two little girls.  It was supposed to be a one-off special for Esme, but how can I refuse?  (yes I am the original girl who can't say no! ;-))

I've also had an email exchange with the family I spoke to last week (who's disabled son is about to lose his home) and the letter and report I helped them compile has now been sent to the person I hope will at least be able to give them some guidance on where to go from here.  Keep your fingers crossed please.

And now dinner from a lovely local restaurant (Grilled salmon with a Thai curry sauce and basmati rice...yum) followed by a Zoom blether with LeeAnne and Gail.  

D!  Get the gin ready!  

Enjoy the weekend lovelies, especially if you are getting to see family and friends for the first time in weeks :-)))

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