Here's a change from birds in the garden!
I do have some quick grab shots of birds on the feeders taken this morning, when the activity around the feeders was frenetic. The Lesser Redpoll's were back and I spotted (and photographed) a Great Tit on the fatballs. Then when I was bringing washing in I heard and saw a small tit calling in the bushes. It looked blue-tit size - but it was the wrong call. So I was thinking it must be a Coal Tit - confirmed when it flew down to one of the lower branches. So the birds I thought had disappeared were back - there may not be many of them but they are here.
So the flowers - we have a `table top' practical evening at the camera club next week, so I thought I'd go and talk with the `flower' lady who occupies the building next door to the Wortley Farm Shop with a view to seeing what might be available next week. So I chose some for me today - maybe I'll make a bit more of photographing them tomorrow.
We've been looking at cars this afternoon and found something we like. Just got to finish negotiating now.
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