Here there and everywhere

By digitaldaze

Lockdown day 76

Yay - not a food blip!  Bb and I walked through the Sants area this morning on our walk and this park is behind Sants train station.  It's appeared on blip before but I think we appreciated the open space more this morning.  It's getting hot here and there were even 3 dogs having a dip in the water.

The rest of the day was less exciting.  I cleaned the oven!   As with some of those things, it started with just wiping the glass door after using it at lunchtime and before I knew it the baking soda and vinegar were out!   A job well done and such good procrastination for what I should be doing at the desk. 

Dinner was sausages, mash, green peppers and onions.  Bb was on cooking duty and it was delicious!  He then had a boys' night in with Cameron and Richard from Edinburgh in the front room.  I, boring as I am, revised my notes from my recent FutureLearning course and highlighted a few things I want to check again.  I was quietly pleased though, that it's starting to look less like a foreign language. 

I have a tickle in my chest, so have started taking a cough bottle.  No temperature though!  I just don't want it to make itself at home at the moment. 

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