I’m getting quite used to coming downstairs and finding Mr. HCB out in the garden, either watering or pottering around and today was no exception.

After my frustrating day yesterday, and I’m pleased to say everything went well eventually, I slept very well, but was later than Mr. HCB getting up.  The sun is only on part of our garden first thing in the morning, and there is a slight breeze today, so it was a joy to wander around looking at and marvelling at how well everything is growing, despite the lack of rain.  Of course, Mr. HCB is sad there is no cricket, as the weather has been perfect for that, but he has enjoyed getting the garden up together and it's looking good.  The birds are singing, great tits are looking at another of our nest boxes, the sun is shining, the weekend is coming - how blessed we are!

Our wild flower beds are doing well and it was good to find that they are doing the job for which they were intended - making a haven for tiny insects and I was intrigued to watch these little ants busying themselves up and down the stem of this lovely daisy and there is even a tiny ladybird on the stem.  Although this is not your usual view of a flower for Flower Friday, I rather liked this.

Lockdown is changing from Monday, so that more people can meet together, but I can’t see people waiting until then, so I just hope that everyone will be sensible so that there isn’t another “spike” in the CV cases.  

I think I may go for an early walk today - I must say that the walk and sing I did yesterday, before finishing off my recording and uploading worked a treat - it calmed me down and I felt quite serene when I got back in time for afternoon tea with our neighbours.

I loved yesterday’s quote and was interested to hear from a Blip friend that she had, in her own words, “feasted on Hermann Hesse’s books” in her early twenties, so I decided to look for more of his quotes and found hundreds when I looked again.  This was one I particularly liked:

“My goal is this: 
     always to put myself in the place
          in which I am best able to serve, 
wherever my gifts and qualities
     find the best soil to grow, 
          the widest field of action. 
There is no other goal.” 
Hermann Hesse : Narcissus and Goldmund

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