Lockdown Hat #19 Hairdresser -1 day

This is a lovely cosy hat my friend lent me but at just after 8.00 am it’s already pretty warm so I tried the ‘flaps up’ look. Not sure it’s a good look but hey these pics are all pretty crazy.
These seashell earrings match the dress well and the specs also tone in.
Our posties are definitely going above and beyond their normal service. I went out for a walk around yesterday lunchtime and when I came back was surprised to see a large parcel on the floor near the corner of my lounge. It was some yarn I’d ordered to brighten up my Project Linus blankets. The only way the postie can have got it there was by climbing up onto my windowsill and throwing it through my quarter light which was open. I don’t think I could do that...
Now I’ve taken my silly pic I can get dressed up in my best bib and tucker for out media briefing at lunchtime. Our team have been so magnificent it feels as if we ought to give them the respect of getting spruced up.

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