Buttercup meadow
Spent most of the day indoors catching up on paperwork and other boring but essential stuff. Paid all Mum's bills, that's her sorted for another three months at least.
Ordered a wedding anniversary card for Mum and then felt it was a bit mean as unfortunately they can't be together so ordered a duplicate for Dad using their wedding photograph pictured in their extras. The photograph might trigger the memories for Mum - I do hope so.
Him indoors has been busy making a table for his woodworking equipment. He had already made one but I would not help him put his machine in it, and he can't do it by himself. the original one is on castors which is a good idea because he can move it to where he needs it. But the castors did not have locks on them so I refused to help him until her got new ones. He was a little shocked that I had said no until I explained why, then he conceded. So new table made and he was only going to try to get me to help put a different machine on it. Guess who is off to B & Q tomorrow to spend another few quid on more locking castors. Health and Safety eat your heart out.
Went out quite late this evening and as I was walking to my car I decided to see if I could copy some of those dreamy pics I keep seeing with one small flower in focus and the others all disappearing into a beautiful pale bokah. The colours were wrong because it was a bright yellow field of buttercups and I had to shoot through the gate but I am quite pleased with this shot. It could do with a slightly better focus but I love it and will be trying it again in better light and maybe some linseed if I can find a field full of the stuff .
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