Another fabulously sunny day. Temps in the 20Cs. We are so, so lucky that the weather has been so good for most of this lock down.

This afternoon I went on my walk through 'Braidburn Valley Park' & 'Colinton Mains Park' to deliver some lentils to Mrs R. She'd forgotten to put them on her shopping list yesterday so Ann picked some up for her at our little local shop while I was out on my walk this morning.

And just look who I met this afternoon. This super speedy dog that wanted to chase me. I like playing chase but this speedy boy just wouldn't let me have a rest. I kept going into the burn for a cool down because it was mega hot, but he just kept on chasing and chasing me and trying to jump on top of me and bite me. Ann never worries when I'm playing because it's just a dog thing trying to pin each other down, but this speedy boy seemed to be getting a bit rough with me. His owner was calling and calling him but he was being really naughty and he wouldn't go back. Ann was also calling me, but every time I went running towards her, super speedy boy just kept chasing me. Eventually Ann just had to stand still so that super speedy boys owner could capture him. He got told he was a naughty boy and got put back on his lead. Hee, hee.

And in other news, here in Scotland, we're moving into phase one of coming out of lock down tomorrow. Not that life is going to be any different for us for a while. …............Ann's five stages for coming out of lock down are; in no particular order going back to work, being able to rent out her house in Cornwall, being able to go back to her fitness club, being able to have friends round to the flat for a meal and getting her hair cut?!!!! Until she can do some of these things she will still feel like a prisoner in her own home?!

But at least we can now meet people outside our household as long as it's outside. Aren't we lucky that we aren't in lock down during winter? Weather forecast is looking absolutely fabulous for the next few days. So tomorrow we're off to sit in our friend, Fiona's garden. And then on Saturday we're going to sit in our friend Susi's garden. ….............And after that, we're open to suggestions. Unfortunately we can't have anyone to come and sit on our balcony because it's not very big so there's only room for us.  Apparently we can also drive 5 miles for leisure purposes but to be honest if we're only going 5 miles then we might as well walk.

But hey ho, the weather is the best we've ever known it in Scotland so one must concentrate on the positives.


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