Hot Dog!

Cool floor.
Today Chloe found her cool place. The very same cool place her predecessors also found in their time, the tiled floor in the little toilet at the back door. 
Today was a “click & collect” day and also a drive by waving to the grandchildren day.
It turned out pretty warm after a cool-ish start and Chloe was obviously feeling the heat. So we waited until this evening before doing a decent walk but even so Chloe’s thick fur was a bit much for her. After a good drink of fresh cold water, she went straight into the little loo and flopped down.
We have a socially distanced trimming booked for next week which we now believe is an essential journey for a very furry wee dog’s health. I have just checked the weather forecast for the next few days and this decent spell is set to continue. Hurrah!

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