Getting brighter

6.2C starting grey but beginning to brighten early afternoon. Breezy.

A quiet Friday for Maeve the Deerhound and I. We went for a walk after our shared omelette lunch. Straight down to the shore road and along the cycle path to the field gate, then across the level crossing to the beach. The tide was quite far out.

Three dogs on the beach, each with its owner. We sometimes see the smallish dog that passed us first, walking down the road by our house in the mornings. It is always way out ahead of its owner. He never has it on a lead. It sneaks along then runs past Maeve in a burst of speed. Maeve likes to bark at it. She decided to bark at the other two dogs on the beach too. Obviously no one was being left out today :-)

The owner of 'Shamara II' was putting new creels together. Looked like kit creels, if there is such a thing. He was hammering together the wooden bases. He had quite a pile of the necessary wooden pieces. Cold hands too I would think !

Maeve and I wandered along the beach to the car park at Westhaven. As we looked back along the beach we could see it was beginning to look a bit brighter towards the North East.

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