Cars Showing No Room, Aylesford

As of Monday car showrooms will be able to re-open. We have quite a few just across the road from us and I noticed as I walked past today that most have moved cars back onto their forecourts in anticipation. The one in today's image had them tightly packed together (no social distancing there!) so that reflections and light easily bounced off the shiny metalwork of all the vehicles - I really like the distortions this caused. Maybe it was to stop Mr.Cummings driving away in one to test his eyesight!
There's not much left to say about the whole Cummings affair - it perfectly sums up the craven, lying, self-entitled bastards we've got as a government. It's so beyond parody that Yes, Minister and The Thick Of It  now look like straight documentaries. The contemptible Tory ministers now trying to back up the odious bullying creep should be utterly ashamed of themselves. In the middle of a pandemic it is beyond appalling to spout such bare-faced lies and expect us to believe it - they have now put people's lives in danger and for that they should never be forgiven.

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